2025 in View - A New Mantle for a New Generation

On the first Sunday morning service of the new year, Vida Caplin spoke on 2 Kings 2:1–18, encouraging us to embrace a new beginning with God for the new year. This season is often marked by new resolutions and good intentions that may or may not endure, but Vida reminded us to seek God for what He is saying to each of us personally this year.

This passage offers profound insights, though Vida could only briefly cover the significant events within it: Elijah’s passing and the transfer of his mantle to Elisha. A major ministry came to an end, and a new one began. Elisha’s request for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit (v. 9) was granted by the Lord. He faithfully followed Elijah from Gilgal to Bethel, then to Jericho, and finally to the Jordan River. Determined not to leave his master, Elisha displayed a focused purpose and relentless pursuit of God—a determination we are also called to have.

Elijah was always moving forward, staying in tune with God’s voice. We, too, can live in step with God through the Holy Spirit. Vida highlighted that the Jordan represents death and baptism—a call to die to our old selves and rise to a Spirit-filled life. God challenges us this year to “Lay it down”—to surrender the distractions and carnality that resists His will and plan. At the Jordan, we leave behind our comfort zones and embrace new life.

When Elijah’s mantle was passed to Elisha, Elisha recognized the significance of the moment. He asked, “Where now is the spirit of Elijah?” and struck the Jordan, which parted before him. This marked a clear transition: he took off his old clothes and embraced the new, fully aware of what God was doing. In contrast, the company of prophets clung to the past, searching for Elijah even when it was clear that God had already moved forward. Eventually, after three days of searching, they found nothing.

This passage, like others in 1 and 2 Kings, reveals how Elijah and Elisha operated under the power and authority of God’s Spirit and anointing. We are called to do the same today, through the Holy Spirit. Vida reminded us of the spiritual battle we face: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers” (2 Corinthians 4:4), and “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6). We are invited to follow Jesus into 2025 and take up His mantle and authority as believers on earth in the hear and now.

There is, no doubt, a deep hunger and need in the world around us, and God is calling us to step up as His ambassadors. How will you put Him first this year? What practical steps can you take to be His light in a dark world? Maybe it starts with setting aside time each day to pray and read His Word, letting Him guide your heart and priorities.

Who around you needs encouragement, love, or a helping hand? Look for ways to serve others in your community—meeting practical needs while showing them the love of Christ. And where is God asking you to step out of your comfort zone? Is it sharing your faith with someone, mentoring a younger believer, or saying “yes” to a ministry opportunity you’ve been hesitating to take?

The world is constantly changing, but God remains the same. As you lean into Him and take these steps, He will use you to make a lasting difference for His kingdom. So, what will you do today to follow Him more closely?


National Churches Trust